It's been a little over a month since I posted. I suppose you should be updated on why it's been awhile since I posted. I got promoted at work! Woohoo! I then had two weeks of training at another store in New Hampshire. After that I started at my new store and it's now been two weeks since I've been there. I am officially busy now, but mostly because of the amount of time I spend driving to get there. I want to get back into a normal routine since not having one throws me into a loop for certain. I plan on going out today to take some pictures of the beautiful New England foliage before it disappears for another year.
If only it could be fall all the time. Right now all the fall colors are starting to blend and mesh and it's a beautiful burst of color. I absolutely love how the air feels outside as it is crisp and refreshing. Everything seems to be washed away to make way for the dark days of winter. For another month or so we New Englanders get to enjoy the last cookouts, fairs, beach visits, and trips to the park before we dawn our winter gear. While the first snow is always anticipated, the "first snow" happens so frequently that it tends to lose it's luster after a couple of feet of white fluff that seems to make it's trip to our part of the U.S. a more extended stay that we care to enjoy. However, back to autumn. I like passing large maple trees where the entire tree is turning orange and yellow while still being able to drop some of it's beautiful leaves in a heap on the sidewalks. There are piles of leaves that you can shuffle through while making the crinkling noise that is so familiar during this time of year. I remember how raking leaves was always a game. It was so much fun to rake every last leaf in a half mile radius to make a pile big enough for four kids to dive into. Moms and dads everywhere love this outdoor chore because they never have to follow through with it themselves. They can sit back while their children make mess after mess and continue to gather all the leaves again. When all "piles" have been exhausted you must then turn to making the scare crow that will sit on your porch or front stoop through Halloween. I miss these times and I love them. It was simple and it was beautiful. Thank you, Autumn. You remind me why I love you.