Tuesday, February 20, 2007

I'm copying Dawn

Thanks to Mint Juleps and Sassafras Tea I am participating in this particular meme. I think it all fits together rather nicely.

1. Take five books off your bookshelf (Get off your ass and do it. You know you're aching to).
2. Book #1 -- first sentence
3. Book #2 -- last sentence on page fifty
4. Book #3 -- second sentence on page one hundred
5. Book #4 -- next to the last sentence on page one hundred fifty
6. Book #5 -- final sentence of the book
7. Make the five sentences into a paragraph.
And here it is:

It started with the pink dress. She had some spinning with her, but she felt too dull to do it, so she sat looking at her things until Gorlois, looking weary, came in. "Say no more, for here I have none other than Jules Verne's The Mysterious Island, a tale of high adventure and great educational content, because of all the science." I bet he'll call me like this every day when I get home from school, Leo thought. I think I'm getting the hang of the scientific method.

In case your interested, I used the following books:
1. The Pink Dress by Anne Alexander (As I was searching online for a picture of the cover of this book, I discovered that this book is rather valuable. I purchased this at a library book sale when I was a kid living in Knoxville. I had absolutely no idea it's worth and if it ever comes down to me selling my soul to Satan or selling this book for money.....it's going to be a tough decision) ;)
2. The Mists of Avalon by Marion Zimmer Bradley
3. The Shadow of the Wind by Carlos ruiz Zafon
4. Funny Stories chosen by Michael Rosen
5. The Sweet Potato Queens' Book of Love by Carol Conner Browne

*Now, if you're a regular reader of blogs, you'll know what I mean when I say I'm going to "tag" you with the above meme. You must copy and paste the directions into your blog, whether it's one like this or a MySpace blog, once you've been tagged. After you do it, tag some other people with it. I tag Kristine, Angi, and Tristan. (This will show if you actually read my blog or not) ;)

On another note, I'm close to finishing Never Let Me Go by Kazuo Ishiguro. I won't give my opinion yet because I have already started writing my speculations in a draft for this blog. I will post the draft once it gets closer to the Long Distance Book Club meeting time so you can read and enjoy. Maybe you'll even bring up some of my thoughts at the gathering so I can feel as if I was a part of it.

Reading this book, however, got me to thinking about when it will be my turn to choose a book for us to read and discuss. Not that I'm complaining or anything, but I don't get to choose until January 2008. WOW! So, that leaves me with ample time to choose a book and ring in the new year with an awesome (and hopefully controversial) read. Plus, I am a bit of a procrastinator so it's probably best that I don't get to choose a book for my birthday month. I will be reading and researching books online and at my local library (not as good as CML I must concede) to come up with a great read. I might re-checkout BookLust from the library for some ideas and question my local librarians (How do you like that Ms. Adventurous Archivist?). Let me tell you that libraries and their accompanying websites have amazing resources for book clubs and just general book suggestions. The whole reason I read Ghost by Katherine Ramsland is because the Patrick Beaver Memorial Library in good 'ol Hickory, NC had fabulous displays of books in their main entrance. Also, I might pump information out of these Mainers and see what they think is fabulous.

Happy Reading!


Unknown said...

There's an opening sooner if you are interested...


IncogKnito said...

Unless, you want me to change my book selection month, I'm quite happy with it. I think it'll be fun to be the one to choose the New Year's book. : )

Unknown said...

It's cool then don't worry about it...I think I might just take the free month myself since I didn't really choose the first book, I only chose it so could have a cool first meeting with an author and all...

Unknown said...

It's cool then don't worry about it...I think I might just take the free month myself since I didn't really choose the first book, I only chose it so could have a cool first meeting with an author and all...